A 13 week group mentorship to embody your feminine power

Doors reopening in Autumn 2024

Tune into this free masterclass as an intro to this mentorship

this 2 hour workshop will support you in determining whether this program is right for you.

Are you a woman who often . . .

※ Feels lost, unworthy, untrusting and like you have no idea who you truly are?

※ Seeks things outside of yourself, whether it be love, money, status or adventure in order to feel fulfilled?

※ Seems stuck in experiences where the proverbial rug gets pulled out from under you?

※ Knows you are meant for more and are searching for something but aren’t sure what?

※ Craves deeper connection, fulfillment + freedom yet feels alone, depleted and trapped?

※ Realizes you can’t keep living the way you have been yet can’t seem to figure out what needs to change or how to even start?

YOu arE nOt alOnE

Most women feel this way however they are too afraid to voice these insidious truths out of fear of being ridiculed, vulnerable or just plain honest, not just with others but mostly with themselves.

Myself included prior to my spiritual awakening and divine homecoming, which you can learn more about here.

Standing on the other side of that, I am here to tell you that life is not meant to be a soul sucking struggle of just going through the motions until you die.

You don’t have to look back wondering, when did my life pass me by?

Quite the contrary.

Life is meant to be juicy, fulfilling, abundant, exciting, passionate, vibrant, nourishing, blissful, adventurous, expansive and wildly enjoyable.

Life is meant to be juicy, fulfilling, abundant, exciting, passionate, vibrant, nourishing, blissful, adventurous, expansive and wildly enjoyable. ꩜

YOu arE mEant tO…

※ Know with perfect clarity exactly who you are and consistently embody that authenticity

※ Gracefully flow through the ever changing peaks & valleys of this human experience with ease

※ Feel enriched from internal fulfillment, trusting that you have everything you need within you to create the life you desire

※ Remember the ever present stream of wellbeing that you are a part of and that is available to you in any moment

※ Deeply connect with yourself, with others and experience an intimately sacred communion with the spiral of life

※ Be absolutely obsessed with and wildly in love with your life

This is what I am here to offer you.

A chance to take a step back and take a breath.

A chance to reconnect, remember and reclaim.

A chance to awaken the light of your unique essence.

By making the commitment to walk this path, you will learn how to live a surrendered life, in flow + faith rather than force + fear.

You will remember how to weave magic in the mundane and what it means to make life sacred again.

Sacred Wholeness is your opportunity to be held in a supportive, nurturing and compassionate group coaching program where you will be witnessed for what you are going through, encouraged to shift your perspective and rewrite your story so you can rise up into truer alignment and authentic expression of your most whole, holy, worthy embodiment.

Over the course of 3 months, together as a community we will explore our inner landscapes, reconnect with our intuitive wisdom and remember our innate divinity.

lEt’s look at hOW WE dO that…


We begin by coming into Presence with where we are currently at physically, emotionally, mentally and energetically. Through this acknowledgment, we lay the foundation for where we are going over the next thirteen cycles.

We commit to this journey of deep nurturing + nourishment and we set the intention of surrendering so we may receive all that is here for us to uncover, heal from and evolve into.


After setting the stage, we move into Acceptance for where we are currently at. There is a curious paradox that when we accept ourselves exactly as we are, we are then able to change. {A little psych 101 secret…shame doesn’t lead to positive or lasting change}

We’ll work with the medicine of self forgiveness {for who we have been thus far} and self compassion {of our physical, emotional, mental + energetic experience}.


Giving ourselves permission to be where we are begins to bring down the barriers we have built around our tender heart. Here is where we truly enter the quiet stillness that resides within our center and start to cultivate a sensory relationship with our intuition more so than we have previously experienced.

We will amplify our Awareness to come into truth resonance with what is here for us physically, emotionally, mentally and energetically. It is here that we begin to remember it’s not about what we do and more about who we be.


Upon accessing deeper levels of consciousness, we are able to more clearly identify the stories and patterns that have kept us shrouded in falsity. We come face to face with the masks we have been wearing, the attachments we have been clinging to about who we think we are or who we have been telling ourselves we are for ages.

As part of the Liberation process, we willingly embrace the inevitably consistent cycle of life-death-rebirth by burning away what we are no longer choosing to be true and from the ashes begin creating something raw, pure and real.


From the fierceness of freedom comes the empowerment of communion. Now that we have unburdened ourselves from the shackles of deception, we rise up into Sovereignty as we reclaim the throne of our own authentic authority. We come into union with our ability to respond to where we are being called into greater alignment.

With the strength of this inherent power that lives within us, we step into radical responsibility for what we are aiming + intending to manifest in our lives.


Nearing the halfway point of this journey, we may be acutely aware of the intense + diligent effort we have been putting into this alchemy of the Self. The road has been rocky + rough, sometimes feeling like an uphill battle and we know there is more that lies ahead. So this is the perfect time to weave in the magical madness of Inspiration via our creative genius. Cue the invitation of our divine innocence + childlike playfulness.

We will welcome the excitement of spontaneity by dropping the grim and embracing a whim, opening the floodgates of possibilities. Our ability to learn to go with the flow sets us up for glorious success on the second half of this adventure.


Awaiting us on the other side of the enthusiastic spark of lighthearted joy, is the divine ecstasy that is experienced as a result of being in a more sensual dance with life and all its aspects. Moving into Intimacy, we anchor into a witnessed state of the beauty that surrounds us in any given moment; the beauty of ourselves, our relationships and our surroundings. The alchemical process of in-to-me-see highlights that which is easy to love within ourselves {the passion, pleasure + radiance} and that which is difficult to love {the competition, comparison + insecurity}.

We will gaze upon our internal mirror to witness what light or shadow is being reflected back to us and consciously choose to unconditionally love all that we observe.

wild PASSiOn

Embracing the sweet fulfillment of responding to ourselves with cherished tenderness and loving kindness, awakens an instinctual essence within. The Shakti life force energy that surges through us in every single moment is felt and known throughout our entire body. The wild woman within us is unleashed and her Wild Passion encourages us to embody the most blissful aliveness, an expression that we may have kept caged, only to be let out when our ego deems “appropriate” or “acceptable”.

We will ignite the fierce courage it takes to once again release the binds and break the chains that have been confining us to the familiar, old comfort zone of normalcy.


Claiming our divine given right to be untamed gives birth to a piercing clarity that reveals the areas of our life where we are still not living in integrity. We see with crisp vision where we have had enough and we challenge ourselves to come into Alignment with our most essential truth.

With our most discerning eye, we will recognize the ways we judge ourselves as well as others so that we may cut away these illusions of separation. The pruning of our false convictions is what catalyzes our growth and expands the portal of potential we are here to step through.


Activating the skill of willingness to stand in truth, allows the spaciousness for the wise woman within to come forward and lead us back home, to the innate Wisdom of our heart. In trusting this inherent intelligence, we feel a grounded confidence that supports us in making intuitive decisions from a place of certainty + faith rather than doubt + fear.

Here we will readily let go of our ego stories and remember who we truly are so we may strengthen our capacity to walk as love in any area of our life.


Owning the profound resonance of who we really are, taps us into the unified energy of the whole and we become a clear vessel for divine inspiration to channel through. Our Connection to Source is restored and we undoubtedly sense the ever present stream of wellbeing that has always been here, within us and all around us.

We will rekindle our capability to consciously weave the sacred threads of our dreams into a majestic tapestry of self actualization that in turn also serves the healing and evolution of the collective. We are all connected and so what is done for one, is done for all.


Approaching the end of this pilgrimage into Self, there is a threshold that requires our crossing: the ceremonial death of the false self we have been continuously shedding over the past many moons. Venturing into this unknown provides us with the understanding of how to be at ease with dying and in comfort of letting go. It is this final descent into darkness, to the underworld within, where we must deeply Surrender in order to retrieve the gems that lay hidden deep within our shadows.

We will cleanse and compost that which we are no longer willing to hold on to. This is a necessary part of the healing process that prepares us to rise up again, reborn into even more of the light that we are.


Celebrating our arrival to this thirteenth phase, we reap the blessings of all that has been harvested and we experience the Wholeness of our golden radiance that has been alchemized from the journey. Breathing in the healing grace of unity, we will witness all that has been integrated physically, emotionally, mentally and energetically.

From here we affirm that though this cycle has come to completion, life is a never ending spiraling journey with the opportunity to continue refining our essence of Self. In closing, we clarify the new foundation of which we are building our life upon.

On thE OthEr SidE Of thiS JOurnEY YOu Will FEEl…

※ Alive and aligned with your true abundant nature

※ Resonantly empowered by your intimate connection with the divine

※ Expanded in your perception of what gets to be possible for you

※ Unwavering self trust, radiant self confidence and absolute belief that you can have anything you desire

and that you are inherently worthy of those desires

※ Capable of showing up for your life as a powerful co-creatrix who receives intuitive guidance

and takes inspired action toward your intentions

※ Initiated in crossing the threshold and stepping into the next best version of yourself

※ Strengthened in your ability to be courageous + fierce yet simultaneously serene + calm

※ Grounded in the center of your heart as an overflowing chalice of peaceful faith + certainty

※ Surrendered. Fulfilled. Free. Whole.

What you can expect

Weekly 90 minute sacred sessions on Thursdays from 7-8:30pm eastern held as a group in person and live-streamed. All sessions are recorded and available for replay.

*Meeting every Thursday from September 28th through December 21st

*if you do not live local to Raleigh, NC then you will join virtually via Zoom

Take home practices and resources for contemplation, integration + embodiment.

An intimate group chat with the other members via Whatsapp for witnessing and sacred community.

The investment

13 weeks

13 sessions

$1111 pay in full

or $444/month payment plan (3mos)

WhAt WOmEn ArE SAYing…

  • brianna

    I’m proud of myself for diving into each archetype and reflecting on how I see each of them within myself. My biggest aha moment happened for me in the session where we read our letters aloud. I knew I was going to cry reading mine, and I did. I didn’t hold anything back. The magic and transformation happened afterwards though: I didn’t judge myself for the emotion. I didn’t second guess it after the fact. I accepted my emotions in the moment and let them be true to what I was feeling. That was huge for me and a huge testament to my growth in this program and coming back to my authentic whole self.

  • heather

    I absolutely loved this program. I wasn't exactly sure what to expect but it superseded all my expectations. Not only was it great to really spend time with each individual archetype and discover how it played into my own life, but connecting with other women experiencing the same thing was really impactful. There were moments where I felt like “nothing is happening!" yet I really leaned into understanding that it's all small subtle shifts which felt so key to me. I also recently revisited the replay of our first session, and I truly realized how far I had come. I was able to remember how I felt during that initial lesson and was intrigued by the fact that I had new things coming to the surface and didn't feel like it was some kind of “re-lived" experience. I really feel like there will be deepening in revisiting the tools provided to us.

  • amy

    I loved this experience and I learned so many words of wisdom and truths. I was going through a lot, but this kept me grounded and helped me navigate the storms. My biggest take away was how I was living too much in my masculine and this opened eyes that I needed to soften into the wisdom of my feminine which this program really helped me with and continues to do so.

  • amanda

    I experienced incredible growth and feel like a completely different person. I knew this program had come at a perfect time for me when I signed up and I knew I was ready to "shed an old skin" and step into my new one. That's exactly what happened. I was given the tools and support to really embrace a whole version of myself, one that has seen the "darker" parts but no longer sees them as a burden or something holding me back. The biggest shift for me was after the second week when I was suddenly, keenly aware of all the places I was judging and not giving compassion and when I explored the root of that, I realized I was still harboring resentment for people who uphold harmful systems instead of channeling and transmuting that energy to be the change that I wanted to see in people and systems. I feel like a weight has been lifted off of my body and I can just exist with more compassion and ease.

  • lauren

    I had an empowering experience taking this program and one of the main things that I learned and will be carrying forward from this journey is to ask for help before you are drowning. I sought after support to help balance my energy that I was putting into work and the toll it was taking on not only my emotional wellbeing but my physical health and I feel completely realigned!

If at any point while reading

about this opportunity you felt:

An ecstatic tingle in your chest…

A fiery, passionate nudge in your belly…

An expansive creative flow in your womb…

A spark ignited within you...