A virtual Ostara workshop for revival and rebirth

Birds are chirping,

Grass is growing,

Buds are beginning to emerge their tender little heads.

The majestic wheel of nature keeps on spinning

With proof that every ending is also a new beginning.

The season of Ostara brings the reawakening of the earth and the transformation of ourselves. Now is the time of aspiration + action.

This is virtual masterclass is one part in a series of eight creative + educational workshops that offer you the opportunity to learn how to live more in tune with the cycles and seasons of nature.

Come learn about the Wheel of the Year, a Celtic solar calendar that cycles through eight important turning points in nature’s annual journey through the seasons and receive the medicine that is available to you during each period.

A little background…

This ancient wheel connects to each phase of nature from sprouting seeds to budding + blooming plants that then ripen into flower + fruit, turn to seed again, and finally return to the ground. These cycles are repeated in an endless turning of the wheel of our lives.

Why is this important?

Cyclical living is a devotional way to bring our attention and intention to the energetic cycles of nature. It invites us to listen to what each season is whispering to us instead of working against the natural tides. 

When we allow ourselves to flow in harmony with the natural rhythms, our co-creative power is elevated and expanded. We get to effortlessly and jubilantly celebrate our ongoing growth + achievements with a feeling of deep alignment to Source.

In this 90 minute wholesome wheel workshop…

We will awaken to the nourishment we need in order to stretch beyond our comfort zones.

We will take inventory of the areas of our lives that are calling for more balance.

We willingly embark on the journey of the new beginning that calls us forward.

By clicking the button below you will receive lifetime access to the recorded session.

Let’s make magic together.